Thursday, June 14, 2012

Less then 60!

Wow! I can't believe that I have less then 60 days left. Wow... There is just so much to do in the remaining time. I put in for my official passport a month ago, so hopefully in the next two weeks we get it back so we can book our flights. Which would help me plan the remaining of my summer...Haha! This move has thrown us a curve ball, the bank that our car loan is through said we were able to take our vehicle to Germany then when Bryce called to get the paperwork and they said no... Joy. Now we are in the situation of having to sell three vehicles. Fun Fun... We still have to get our tourist passports in as well as get the dogs micro-chipped       and kennels to travel. It is crunch time. If we don't start getting things done, when we are able to book our flights we will be over stressed. GaH!! On a positive we did receive our orders in May, so I am clear to go! Yay.

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