Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lets get this ball rolling!!!

Wow! We have 91 days until our report date in Wiesbaden, Deutschland! Yay! I have completed my EFMP appointment last week, which means that I am going to have my NAME on Bryce's orders! Let's see him try to leave me behind now?! Haha, joking! The next step in our extraordinary long process is a OFFICIAL passport for me. I could wait until I have a appointment on June 5th, for a free photo, then wait till possibly July to receive my passport and then have one month to book flights, with the thought we might not get a good one with our pups.I was thinking, however, I can pay for one now and get it about 3 weeks sooner. That would opt better for us, especially since we will be busy in July shipping out our car and household goods.  Wow. that leaves about 3 months left to figure out everything. This seems like it is not yet a reality, but I know it is because as we complete all these things I become frustrated and anxious that nothing will go right and something will go wrong. I think that Bryce is on the fence about this whole Germany thing, still. He doesn't want to have to leave all of his BOY TOYS behind. That is ok, I think that everything will be more worth it once we have our feet on German soil. I am still completely thrilled about going, but I sometimes have trouble fathoming that thought of having to create a new life and say good bye to this one. Wait! What am I saying... I refuse to say GOOD- BYE. I will only let myself to look at this as a "See Ya Lata" event. I know what your thinking, it will be like a move while your a child. You know, the kind where you best friend moves to Kentucky or something like that and she keeps in touch for like a month and then its as though you never knew each other. I refuse to let myself do that. It will be a fight, but I WILL keep in touch with my closest and dearest friends. I have to. Well that is it for now!

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