Thursday, April 12, 2012

Realization has not quite set in

Slowly things are coming to a checkpoint. our countdown for Germany is now at 119 days. That is barely 17 weeks. Wow!! Bryce and I have been still slowly been preparing ourselves for this move. We still have to do our EFMP appointment and passports. That is our plan for next week. Until we leave we are trying to live it up with fun and travel with the family. This week we are in spending time in Moab and Grand Junction with his family. The cold windy weather has seemed to follow us out to Moab. However, the trails on the atvs are fun, sandy and beautiful. It is very red though and amazing, definitely one of God's best works. Bryce had a amazing hunting trip planed for this week, but do to the rains and tornados down in Texas, it was cancelled because of flooding. We have a few more trips that we want to do before we take off in August. Hopefully things will continue to drag a bit. My family is still sliding by with the death of my granddaddy. We have made it through our first major holiday, Easter. It was a harsh realization of how he was gone, but he is in a better place. I am still feeling a little bad about leaving this year, and I just continue to tell myself I can't stay for comfort and push my dreams off as though they hold nothing. I know Germany will be well worth it.i think it will give me a chance to figure out exactly who I am, I won't have anyone, but Bryce to depend on. I think that is a good thing. We can make our marriage stronger.bryce is still not thrilled about going. He has to leave behind the things he loves, his camper, atv and hunting. I know it will be hard to go from being a extreme outdoor life to having to experience it in a different way. I think it will be fun to have to find a different way to satisfy our need for the adventure. I am looking forward to all the traveling and history that Europe holds, and on top of that we are extremely close to my brother- in law, sister- in law and nephew. So it won't be as we are completely alone. We will be able to visit decently often; plane tickets through Europe are extremely affordable. I will however miss the open, beautiful landscapes of the good 'ol USA.

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