Friday, January 20, 2012

Orders are in!!

Or official orders are in. We are now destined to Wiesbaden, Germany. That is pronounced V-eee-s-bah-den. We have to be there on August 10th. That leaves a count down of about 202 days. Crazy. As Bryce talks to friends that have gone, he is becoming more thrilled and ready for this journey. Me, on the other hand, have been ready for Germany for almost 10 years. I have begun doing research on the base, the town, basically everything. Bryce says we have plenty of time, I am terrified that we are going to miss an important regulation or piece of info. Not to count, I need all info on getting our pets safely there. We should be able to take at least the two dogs, hopefully the cats as well, but Bubba will have to stay behind. That breaks my heart. My mom is going to take him in, if anyone loves him as much as I do it's her, haha. Crazy turtle. I have a goal in the next 202 days, I will be picking up German again. It ought to be pretty simple, yes the military offers some basic course. I want to be able to speak a good amount with out a translation book in my face, we will see how it goes. Since I took German in high school I have lost much of my conversational skills, but I can still recall many words, basic rules of grammar, need to know phrases, and small things about the German culture. I spoke with my high school German teacher and he says that Americans see Germany as small when compared to America, technically it is. In my eyes, Germany is this extravagant place that holds part of my heart that I will never be able to fully excavate, sort of like Colorado, it just keeps surprising you and has so much to give. I bet when our time comes to an end in Deutschland I will not be ready to leave, I wouldn't have seen enough, and I will want to return. This adventure is a truly a dream that I never thought I would be able to see come true. I am sad that there is a good chance that Bryce will have to deploy one or more times while we are there, but Europe has a beauty, a history, a story that is just wanting to be unfolded and sought out. There is so much change that is going to come along with this journey, Bryce and I both will be completely away from family. We will have to depend on one another, which should help to strengthen and discover a deeper level of our marriage. Well, as new information emerges I will update or steps of this journey.

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